Our Mens' ministry is very active and meets throughout the month. The first Saturday of each month we meet for breakfast as well as have special events for fun and fellowship. Check the calendar for the next upcoming event.

Connections is a vital part of our church culture. From a smiling face at the front door to planning outstanding events behind the scenes, this team has a hand in many areas of the church. You will notice the difference here...we are family.

This team consists of our greeter and usher staff, our security crew, and helpers that coordinate all special dinners and serve as hosts and hostesses of many special events.

Spark Kids specializes in students from grades 1 through 5. Sunday's class begins each week at 10a. Your kids will love this weekly time in their themed class where they will learn about the Bible in an age-appropriate and fun way!

There are special events throughout the year for this age group. Your child will love being a part of Spark Kids! This ministry involves skits, Bible lessons, games, and more fun!

Each class has at least two staff members at all times, and more volunteers are called as needed.

Prayer is at the core of everything we do at the POWT. We have weekly Church prayer at 6:30 each Wednesday prior to service. we have multiple prayer events around the church and several times throughout the year we host prayer services to impact our community. 

2 Chronicles 7:14 is the guiding principle of our prayer ministry:  

If my people, which are called by name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Because of this we encourage everyone to join our prayer groups and participate in every prayer event possible. Prayer changes things! Contact us if you have any special prayer requests and we will pray with you.

Our Ladies' ministry, Women of Worth, provides an outlet which allows women to connect and grow. We have special events focused on Ladies' interests, including paint parties, game nights, craft activities and many other fun events! See the monthly event calendar for more information. There are also ladies' focused district events hosted throughout the year.

Family Ministries is designed to provide specific ministry to people in this stage of life. Family Ministries includes all heads of homes, from "nearly-weds" to single parents and married adults with established families.

Special programs and activities include banquets, quarterly activities and fellowships, and various other marriage conferences and seminars.

Blended families will feel at home and welcome at POWT. Family Ministries is committed to building strong families, no matter their make-up.

Surge is an exciting department that provides powerful and Christ-centered ministry to youth from grades 6 through 12. This ministry offers exciting activities from student focused services and special events to youth camps and conferences throughout the year. Surge is designed to facilitate young people in their personal relationship with God and also help them develop relationships with other young people in the church.

Surge is held each week at 10a and once a month during Wednesday focus. Special events are announced regularly.


P E N T E C O S T A L S   O F   W E S T   T U L S A

​Li'l Sparks focuses on children ages 1 - 5. Their class is packed with exciting activities, songs and lessons made specifically for them. Learning about the Bible has never been more fun!

Li'l Sparks Nursery is available for babies and toddlers up to age 4. Our capable staff will care for your children while providing a fun, safe environment to thrive in while you enjoy the worship service. Live feed of the service is offered so the children can worship along.

The POWT Music Ministry team is responsible for leading us into worship each service with dynamic singing that helps connect us to God. Psalm 22:3 tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people and the goal of this team is to create an atmosphere where God desires to dwell. The Music Minister also leads the POWT choir.

This team meets once a month for an extended time to learn new material and holds weekly practices to ensure they are prepared to lead the church in worship.